Friday, August 19, 2011

Communiqué Hockey Féminin

Please see the statement from the President of Lac St Louis in the prior posting to this message

.Today we received notice that the June 26th resolution by Hockey Lac
St Louis has been deemed invalid by Hockey Quebec due to a lack of
consideration of article 4.8(c) of the administrative guide. We have
been notified that Hockey Richelieu's resolution dated April 12th has
also been deemed invalid.

During the June 3rd LHFDQ league meetings and at the Hockey Quebec
Hockey Feminin meetings on June 4th, Richelieu's decision was
accepted, applauded and approved as a regional rule. Also unveiled
during the Hockey Quebec Hockey Feminin meeting was Hockey Quebec’s
development plan for the future of Hockey Feminin. Based on this
presentation of the development plan by Hockey Quebec, Lac St Louis'
Hockey Feminin leadership felt the future of girls hockey needed to be
addressed and that following Hockey Richelieu's lead was the best path
to build girls hockey for the future.

Despite the decision to invalidate the resolution, Hockey Lac St
Louis' Hockey Feminin leadership remains steadfast that the future is
as they outlined and that all the compelling arguments that have been
made to develop girls through girl’s hockey remain true and valid.
However it is also abundantly clear that not everyone shares this
vision. It will be up to the Hockey Feminin directors to solidify and
promote the program for those that choose to participate. Their goal
is to ensure that participants get the best possible development
program available.

As an example, this past week, the Richelieu Remparts' organization
held their tryouts and they had, for the first time, 90+ girls for 3
teams. Lac St Louis held peewee and bantam tryouts and had 86 girls
attend for four teams. Midget joins the tryout process on Saturday and
we are expecting an additional 50 skaters for an additional 3 was fantastic to see the girls, their enjoyment and their
athletic skills with the likes of Cathy Chartrand, a former gold
medalist with Team Canada and a three time CIS champion with the
McGill Martlets, leading the on ice training. This coming Saturday the
lead instructor is going to be Caroline Ouellette. Does it get better
than Caroline Ouellette teaching your daughter hockey?

We understand that perhaps Hockey Feminin is not everyone’s first
thought when thinking hockey development. We also understand that not
everyone is pursuing the same goals. So, while you are no longer
compelled to have your daughter play Hockey Feminin if she does not
make "AA" on the boys side, it still makes perfect sense to stay the
course if you want to expose your daughter to a development program
that features 60 hours of practice ice, provincial exposure, 1.5 hour
games and last but not least a chance to have some icons and national
heroes mentoring your daughter.

Join our coaches Claude Chouchani (Danny Grant, Yvan Maldonado, Brian
McGann and Manager Kim Kinkead), Mike McGrath, Bruno Dumais (John
Calderone, Gord Armstrong and Ugo Notarigiacomo), Bruno de Serres
(Michel St-Martin and Michel Dessureault), Alain Savoie, and Noemie
Marin, to make this the best hockey experience your daughter can have,
the coaches and hockey feminin leadership remained focused on that
goal..., help us to deliver it!

If you are unsure as to what the implications may be for your daughter please do not hesitate to contact one of the following for more information

Chris Sides - Lac St Louis Regional Director - Hockey Feminin

Ed Dodds - V.P. Hockey Feminin Lac St Louis


  1. I am not against the promotion of Girls' Hockey but the development seems almost neglectful of everything BUT Girls AA hockey. What about the development of A & B levels for all ages? Hockey Feminin seems supremely devoted to elite development where the price tag is higher. Let's try to promote girls playing with girls from Atom and up so that girls from the different associations within LSL can have the same opportunities as boys and do not have to travel any farther for the same enjoyment.
    Greg Brown

  2. Mr. Brown, I think its possible that you have misunderstood this communication. The purpose of the communication was, in fact, to communicate with parents and players who have (now) entered the double letter tryouts about the new situation and how it impacts them.
    Simply because the double letter tryouts have just started and decision of hockey Quebec has an immediate impact on those involved in the double letter tryouts.
    Regarding single letter girls hockey, the resolution that was passed in June by Lac St Louis served that category first and foremost. Of the 393 girls that would be moved to girls hockey, 93 of them were Atom. This past season, we had an atom A team that was defeated 20-0 by a laval team. Not only was the team a lac st louis team, it was made up of girls from a few different hockey associations.
    That should never happen to a lac st louis team, losing 20-0. When we elected to move the girls from boys hockey to girls, we were addressing the need to have more depth in the girls side so they can play and develop in the right level.
    Similarly, in Peewee we had 48 girls that would move from boys hockey to girls. Again, we would be able to add some girls to the double letter program but mostly increase the numbers in single letters so the teams had sufficient numbers so a girls or two could miss (if need be) and the team would still be able to play their games without worrying about the prospect of a default.
    The time and effort that goes into managing the single letter level, including the team formation and league management is a tremendous undertaking by all the hockey feminin directors.
    Please don't misunderstand the communication as neglecting single letter girls hockey, that is far from the truth.

    While we don't have Caroline Ouelette scheduled for any single letter events, the resource is available to single letter programs that would e interested in having these tremendous ambassadors of the game mentor and instruct their girls.
